Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life Back to Normal?

So I finally got a computer after lacking a successfully working one for a few months. My fail of a computer resulted in deleted lab reports the night before they were due and a deleted resume. Whatevs. I feel like my life is now back to normal. Normal as in back to my white affluent life in which I take everything for granted? I have had to do excessive amounts of reading for my TFA training and they frequently use the term "white affluent" in contrast to those who live in low-income communities. It is not an attempt to be racist, but I sure hope to not take for granted the many blessing that I have in my life.

The sad thing is, the first thing my mom said was: "You better not them steal that computer." This is the mindset and prospective that I hope to and will avoid.

I mean who even knows what normal even is these days. Let's face it: if you are not weird, you are weird.

So don't feel sorry for me.

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